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Private Ongoing Sessions

A creative therapeutic process to connect with the wisdom held within your body and find healing.

  • 1 hour
  • Sliding Scale
  • In-person and online

Service Description

Ongoing sessions are a creative therapeutic process to aid in your healing and personal growth. We meet weekly or bi-weekly, in person or over Zoom, for 1 to 2.5 hours each time. We ground our explorations in your body and immediate experience to bring forward the wisdom it holds, and help you unpack past stories and present challenges in a creative and supported way. Together, we’ll uncover, explore, and reshape the stories and beliefs that shape your identity, relationships, and movement in life, all while fostering mindful presence within your body and building resources to help you integrate what we uncover together in your daily life, allowing you to create the positive changes you seek.

Contact Details

Los Angeles, CA, USA

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